AUSTIN, Texas  - Members of the East Austin community this week came together to restore a mural of U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke after it was defaced this past weekend.

PREVIOUS: Beto O'Rourke Mural in East Austin Vandalized 

The mural, created by artist Chris Rogers, is located in the area of Waller and Second streets.

The mural was defaced with the words “El Paso gentrifier” and “imperialist pig.”

The mural depicts O’Rourke in front of a Texas flag and revealing a “B” in the manner of Superman.

PREVIOUS: Mural of Beto as Superhero Pops up in East Austin

 Rogers said he was “deeply saddened by this destructive act of hate” and that he hoped it would serve as motivation for people to vote.

The incident was reported to the Austin Police Department.